Krishnamurti's confidence build up due to the fact, that there are
people, who are mystified by his teaching of fragmented mind, as they
could not understand the same, and that difficulty in the
understanding K, itself has made them the followers of K. Thinking
that there is a deep meaning in his teaching, which was never to be
found in other teachings, because no other teacher has taught about a
fragmented , divided mind being the reason as to the sufferings one
this confidence Krishnamurti started to talk about many different
things, which don't have any relationships to Mind and the
sufferings, but relating them superficially to it, taking the
audience as comprising of fools.
us look at some of such situations and things, K indulged at.
Now that ties up with the other question of the mind and the brain.
The brain is an activity in time, as a physical, chemical, complex
I think the mind is separate from the brain.
What does separate mean? Are they in contact?
Separate in the sense that the brain is conditioned and
the mind is not.
Let's say the mind has a certain independence of the brain. Even
if the brain is conditioned...
...the other is not.
DB: It
need not be...
On what basis do you say that?
Let's not begin on what basis I say that.
Well, what makes you say it?
As long as the brain is conditioned, it is not free.
And the mind is free.
Yes, that is what you are saying. But you see, the brain not
being free means that it is not free to enquire in an
unbiased way.
So as long as the brain is conditioned its relationship to
the mind is limited.
We have the relationship of the brain to the mind, and also the other
way round.
Yes. But the mind being free has a relationship to the brain.
Yes. Now we say the mind is free, in some sense, not subject
to the conditioning of the brain.
JK: Yes.
Not time. Time belongs to the brain.
Yes, the interval between two noises. Two thoughts. Two
No. So can the brain, with all its cells conditioned, can
those cells radically change?
Just touched occasionally. But those cells that are conditioned,
whatever they may be, evidently dominate consciousness now.
JK: Yes.
Can those cells be changed?
We are saying that they can, through insight; insight being out of
time, not the result of remembrance, not an intuition, nor desire,
nor hope. It is nothing to do with any time and thought.
Yes. Now is insight of the mind? Is it of the nature of mind? An
activity of mind? JK: Yes.
Therefore you are saying that mind can act in the matter of
the brain.
JK: Yes, we said that earlier.
The brain is rather like a radio receiver which can generate its own
noise, but would not pick up a signal.
Not quite. Let's go into this a little. Experience is always limited.
I may blow up that experience into something fantastic, and then set
up a shop to sell my experience, but that experience is limited. And
so knowledge is always limited. And this knowledge is
operating in the brain. This knowledge is the brain. And thought is
also part of the brain, and thought is limited. So the brain
is operating in a very, very small area.
talk between Bohm and K in the book "The Future Of Humanity".
of the Quote.
one reads this discussion between Krishnamurti and Bohm, with paying
attention to the highlighted sections in bold letters, it is clear
that conditioning is in the brain, is in the cells of the brain,
according to Krishnamurti. That is conditioning as defined by
Krishnamurti as past knowledge, memory consisting of past
experiences, etc., etc., is in the brain. Not only that, the
'Thinking' is also, comes from brain.
you may notice that Krishnamurti at one point talks about the
"Interval between two thoughts", in reference to the
fragmentation in thinking. Then that 'Interval' or the Gap also
should be a part of the brain as thoughts are also in the brain,
according to Krishnamurti.
Krishnamurti says that, the Time belongs to the brain. Why
he would have concluded that? When we sleep, that is when our body
sleeps, meaning the brain as the body also sleeping, we don't feel
anything, including the time. So it is evident that Krishnamurti felt
this, not because him thinking about the nature of sleep, but because
of the nature of his wakeful state, where mind goes 'blank', when the
thinking stops, as there is no cognition taking place in his mind,
thus creating a void, a 'blank. For a normal person, specially a
child, who does not think, but only recognizes the world, or a person
who is in a state of Samadi, where there is no thinking, but still
there would be cognitions, when there is no thinking, and would not
fall into a 'Void' or to a 'Blank'.
Krishnamurti clearly separates the mind and brain, thus including
things of the mind to that of the brain, such as memory, knowledge,
thinking etc.
let us hope for the day, when scientists find a way to infuse
knowledge in the the brain making every one an Educated person. And
the day scientist erase unnecessary knowledge plus memory items,
which brings us suffering, thus where one don't have to go after the
spiritual practices, to be free from sufferings.
then the question arises,
did Krishnamurti know of the existence of the brain, if he did not
believe others, like scientists, who have opened the skull of the
heads of dead people to know that there is brain inside, thus
concluding, therefore there should be a brain in everyones head, as a
conclusion. This type of believing in others knowledge, is not self
inquiry of one's own mind. No one has gone to such a hilarious self
Krishnamurti concludes, asserts more things about the brain, even
scientists would be shy to do so. How he came to this knowledge in
not comprehensible.
I can understand the situation. When one is kept in a higher
pedestal, implying that 'we are ready to believe in you', then
understanding the fools around him, he will be fearless to utter
nonsense, as no one would challenge him, but only will accept
this happens for a quite a time, that the person who were taken as
the Teacher, would himself, can think thus, "I have said things,
which no one challenged, but only accepted. Then these things which
came to my mind should be true. Hence, my thinking is true.
Therefore, whatever comes to my mind, I can present as Truth. And I
am the Truth. I am the embodiment of the Truth." This is the
highest 'nonsense', highest madness.
is the perception Krishnamurti would have developed at later stages
of his life, thankful to fools who were around him.
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