Friday, January 23, 2015

Attainment of Krishnamurti and Erroneous Conclusions.

There are superficial understanding of Krishnamurti, by whom, who don't have a Fragmented mind like K. They may be young people as well as old. There may be many reasons why they understand K superficially. One reason may be due to that they were mystified by the utterances of K, which is incomprehensible, and that incomprehensibility itself has led to the belief, that there is a depth in the statements made by K. So these people go on studying K, and never would get anything from it. Then the second type of people who are led by the superficial explanations presented by K himself, for the real factual fragmentation he experienced within, to explain it, which is in his mind. Hence, not understanding this factual fragmentation of the mind within, that of K, these people only understand the superficial explanation of the fragmentation, without.

Then there are a few 'young' people whose mind is fragmented 'in thinking', hence they do understand Krishnamurti factually, but not completely. Their understanding stems primarily from the fact, from the out come of the fragmented thinking. That is, 'thinking' breeds fear, insecurity, doubt leading to sufferings. They understand partially because, that no two persons having fragmented minds cannot be equal in their fragmentations. Hence, these people who have divided minds, continue to read K to understand the rest of it, which does not accords with their experiences of fragmentation, even if they read K, whole of their life. Hence the understanding is being factual as well as partial, not complete. These are 'a few young people', a 1% of the population, having fragmented minds, and if they ever had the chance of reading K, would become an immediate follower of K.

But many who understand Krishnamurti factually and partially are older people, who had a non-fragmented minds in their younger age, but have developed a fragmented mind, when they become old and sick. So they understand Krishnamurti, factually as well as partially, due to the same reason that no two fragmentation can be equal. But they have an awareness, that they did not experience fragmentation in their younger, healthy life. So in denial of that younger age experience, and to the contrary, these older people become more assertive saying Krishnamurti is right, and ready to justify everything Krishnamurti says, in order to prove it to themselves.

The solution to this suffering, born out of the doubt, fear and insecurity, from the 'divided thinking', is to stop the thinking. This indicates that the 'thinking' as the cause of Fragmentation, and the Fragmentation as the cause of doubt, fear and insecurity. Though the 'stopping of the thinking', relieve the doubt, fear and insecurity, does not do away with the fragmentation, but only hides the same, since the real cause of fragmentation is not 'thinking'. This 'thought-less-ness' is only a temporary solution, just like a temporary amnesia, where one becomes even aware of such an amnesia. For instance, when we have a great unbearable pain due to some injury, there would be a short spell of relief on and off, which can be called as temporary amnesia. But none of the Krishnamurti followers have claimed to have experienced, this 'thoughtless' state of relief from the fragmented mind, ever. It may be due to that, none of them experienced doubt, fear, insecurity and suffering to the extent, Krishnamurti experienced the same, requiring the mind to go to an amnesia stage of thoughtlessness. When we read Krishnamurti's Diary, we can understand the amount of suffering he continuously underwent.

Hence, there was not, and there is not, anyone who have understood Krishnamurti at Attainment level, having attained to 'thoughtless' state.

Why the 'thoughtless' state is a temporary solution for Krishnamurti?

Any solution is a temporary one, if it does not solve the root reason. Krishnamurti understood the problem, but took the immediate cause as the root reason of the problem. The immediate reasons are the fragmented nature of the mind. But this fragmented nature being the immediate reason, but Krishnamurti erroneously concluded that fragmentation arises due to 'thinking'. In actuality, due to Fragmentation in the mind, one feels that the 'thinking' is fragmented or causing fragmentation. In an healthy mind, since there is no fragmentation, one does not feel that 'thinking' as causing fragmentation. Though there is fragmentation in Krishnamurti's mind before thinking, but only when K 'thinks', that the fragmentation becomes apparent, that the fragmentation become manifest. This Krishnamurti could not detect. One of the main reason for this is that the Fragmentation has happened to K, in very early life, which he could not remember as how did he was thinking at that stage, without having a fragmentation, to be compared with. But people who have developed this at later stage, and if they remember their non-fragmented thinking, with that of fragmented thinking, then they would be able to identify the reasons for fragmentation being as memory gaps or cognition gaps. But still some may have the rare experiences of 'memory gaps' leading to fragmentation, even with a healthy mind and this I have already explained. So it is evident, that the Fragmentation is caused by some missing function or the attributes of the healthy mind such as memory or cognition gaps, etc. Since, Krishnamurti was not aware of these missing items of mind attributes, which are the reasons for fragmentation, he erroneously concludes that 'thinking' as the cause or reason for fragmentation, but the 'thinking' is the function which brings out the fragmentation to surface, make it apparent, make the fragmentation to manifest.

If one has a great pain in one of his leg, doctors may inject a pain killer, removing the pain for a while. But in that one may even not feel the leg as well. then this is not a permanent solution, healthy solution, as one has to feel the leg, but not the pain. Once the leg is cured, he would feel the leg but not he pain. In the same way one must be able to 'think' without being fragmented in mind, if it is a real solution.

Since Krishnamurti concluded that 'thinking' as the reason for fragmentation or division, he further concludes, one attributes of the thinking, that is the memory, as a 'condition' for thinking and fragmentation. Then he further erroneously concludes, if the memory can be erased, then there won't be a 'condition' or a 'reason', making the 'thinking' possible. Hence, memory having all the knowledge, etc., are also a problem for Krishnamurti, but not for a normal healthy person.

Then what is the solution? How one can rectify this root problem of missing mind attributes of memory or cognition, to restore the Mind to a healthy state, to a complete state? When one is born blind, deaf or dumb, are there any solutions to restore the same? If there is no way to restore a physical disability as such, how can a defective mind can be restored, as science is not aware of the mind, does not recognize the mind, a non-physical organ?

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  1. Studies Krishnamurti 40 years ago, went on for 20 years. Having no point of reference I thought he was really deep, leaving the answer to many questions as an "open void" that could only be solved by insight.

    Now I know better.

    The fundamental problem with him is that he does not study anyone else nor any philosophy. To be an expert in any subject you need to do some study of other experts, maybe reject their ideas, but evaluate all the wise things others have done. This is not following a pattern or other belief but having a global understanding of solid ideas that have come before. All of Ks intuitions comes from some void, there is no real depth or supporting evidence to it.

    He has been dead for 30 years, hardly any books or institutions have studied him or used his teachings. All great philosophers have thousands of books, university classes and off shoot organizations that evolve their ideas. Not with K because there is hardly nothing there.

    In many cases he has written about this mysterious skull pain that suggests it may be some Kundalini force arising in him, maybe too much consciousness exploding in his brain. In those days there were no MRI machines that could have detected a Vascular condition which my neurologist believes.

    You cannot get far in knowledge or wisdom without understanding the many useful things your peers have done. Evaluating what is good and rejecting what is bad. Having studied K and books others have written about him (excellent observations) I conclude that he did have useful ideas on the nature of awareness and remaining open to your intuition but I have met nobody that has become enlightened just by following K.

    1. I also give credit to K for Choiceless Awareness which has led to a Mi mindfulness revolution that came from Buddhism.

      Make this experiment: Read a book from the 1950's which may mention psychological conditions like Love, Fear and so on. Write down the conclusions and recommendations he makes. Then fast forward to the 1980s and look up the same topic. NOTHING HAS CHANGED, its the same superficial recommendations of seeing directly with full awareness. This tells me he has not learned nothing new towards the end of his life. One prescription: Full Awareness solves ALL PROBLEMS FOR ALL PEOPLE, he fails to understand that there are several approaches to every problem. Since he does not do any research to learn something new, the same tired advice keeps coming back.

      He is gone now and forgotten by the world, he had his time in the limelight, I took 1% of what I know today from him, I am thankful for that, but everything else I have learned from people around me that take their time to reach a full understanding of the world around them.
