Friday, December 19, 2014

The Gaps Creates the Division in the Mind.

For Krishnamurti, awareness of a tree, that is an observation of a tree, does not necessarily ends up with the thinking of the tree. In that situation, as there is no thinking, there is no 'Observed'. This 'Observed' is the Thought about the tree. If thinking take place, that is, if 'Observed' to take place, then there is a Division between the 'Observer' and the 'Observed'. That is the Division of 'Thinker' and the 'Thinking'

Therefore there is a Gap between Awareness and the 'Thinking'. That is, there is no relationship connecting Awareness to the Thinking. Hence, if 'Thinking' is to take place, it happens on its own, rather than having any connection to Awareness.

Quote Krishnamurti:

When there is a visual awareness of the tree without any psychological involvement there is no division in relationship. But when there is a psychological response to the tree, the response is a conditioned response, it is the response of past memory, past experiences, and the response is a division in relationship. This response is the birth of what we shall call the 'me' in relationship and the 'non-me'.

The Urgency of Change | Awareness
End of Quote.

What is this Gap which creates the Division, which Krishnamurti was unaware of? According to K, the function of the Mind can take two routes, two paths:-

1.  "awareness of the tree without any psychological involvement", hence, no Thinking, No Division.

2. Awareness -> "psychological response to the tree, the response is a conditioned response, it is the response of past memory, past experiences", which is the 'Thinking'. 

So it is, Awareness -> Past Memory -> Thinking.

But this flow of events, is broken in between to have a Gap, making the Division. Where does the Gap take place? It is in between the Awareness and the Memory.

So it is,  Awareness -> <Gap > Past Memory -> Thinking.

Hence, if there is only Awareness, well and good, No Division. But if there is " Past Memory -> Thinking", then it is not related to the Awareness, because of the Gap. But when the 'Me' as the Thinker, as the Observer, observes the 'Not Me' as the 'Thought', as the Observed, there is this Division K feels. So K feels that 'Observed', that is 'Thought' takes place on its own, because of the Gap. having no relationship with the Awareness, that means 'K is not thinking', but the 'Thought' is cropping up, so it is 'Not Me'.

Hence, this division is not division into two, it is Fragmentation.

For a normal person who does not have this Gap in thinking, there are some connecting functional mind attributes, which would fill the Gap. Hence, he would not feel Divided in his thinking, and he would perceive the thinking as his own act, that is he would say, 'I am thinking about the tree." 

What are the missing mind attributes or functions, form K's Mind, Which K, therefore never detects to have a feel wholeness in his thinking?

The only wholeness Krishnamurti experiences is the Thoughtless state. How does it come about and why does it 'seems' Pathless?

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