Saturday, December 20, 2014

Awareness, Observer and Observed.

For Krishanmurti, these three things of Awareness, Observer and Observed are three separate items, not related, hence this Division is not of Two, but of three at least, so K calls it as Fragmentation, but when we take into the consideration of 'Me' as a construct of the Past memory of oneself, according to K, then it would be Four parts.

Awareness takes place on its own for K, that is, it is not an act of oneself.  Since it is taking place on its own, one cannot avoid it, but if it does not creates a Thought (an Observed), well and good.

If 'Observed' (Thinking) to take place, it is not because of the Awareness of the tree, but because the mind trying to Respond to the Awareness of the Tree. If mind does not Respond with past memory, that is past condition, well and good. Hence, this Response, this thinking is a separate item.

Then this 'Me' who become Aware of the Response, That is the Thought or 'Observed' or 'Not Me', is the third item which is also separate from the 'Me', the 'Observer'.

'Me' as the construct of past memory of oneself is the Forth item.

The Division is between the 'Observer' (Me) and the 'Observed', both are within. So 'Me' is not finding any Relationship with 'Not Me'. But even the Awareness is within me, though K clearly does not indicate it.

Hence, the most important thing about this Fragmentation K feels is the outcome of it. That is the Fragmentation or Division within which makes K to feel insecure, Fearful and Suffer. No normal person, when he thinks, would ever feel fragmented as well as there would not be any insecurity, fear and suffering arising from thinking of a Tree, Door or a Flower, as it does for K.

Since, the Mind is Fragmented, at least to three parts. that is Awareness, Past Memory (Me), and Thinking based on this Past memory (Not Me), there are gaps between each pair of them:-

Awareness -> <Gap> Memory of myself -> Me -> <Gap> Memory of Tree -> <Gap> Thinking of the Tree (Not Me).

Memory of myself -> Me.

Quote Krishnamurti:
Now, each one tries to immortalize the product of environment; that thing which is the result of the environment we try to make eternal. That is, the various fears, hopes, longings, prejudices, likes, personal views, which we glorify as our temperament - these are, after all, the result, the product of environment; and the bundle of these memories, which is the result of environment, the product of the reactions to environment, this bundle becomes that consciousness which we call the 'I'. Is that not so? The whole struggle is between the result of environment with which mind identifies itself and becomes the 'I', between that, and environment. After all, the 'I', the consciousness with which the mind identifies itself, is the result of environment. The struggle takes place between that 'I' and the constantly changing environment.

First Talk in The Oak Grove,
Ojai, California

End of Quote.

So it is Memory which give rise to the Feeling of Me or I, according to Krishnamurti. Is it same with you? Do you feel that the memory of yourself has to arise, for you to feel as Me, or I? If the Memory of yourself is absent, do you work and talk with others 'selfless'?

Memory of Tree -> <Gap> Thinking of the Tree (Not Me).

Quote Krishnamurti:
But when there is a psychological response to the tree, the response is a conditioned response, it is the response of past memory, past experiences, and the response is a division in relationship. This response is the birth of what we shall call the 'me' in relationship and the 'non-me'

The Urgency of Change | Awareness  
End of Quote.

In the next Post, I hope to look into this Gap, which creates the division or Fragmentation, within Krishnamurti, which he generalize for everyone, but many, who read this blog, (about 99%) , would never feel fragmented or Divided, when they 'Think', hence would not feel insecure, fearful and suffer, just because of thinking. But on the contrary, many may be indulging in thinking in their free time, enjoying the same.

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