Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Factual Understanding - Part 2.

There are two obstacles to factual understanding.

1. Not having the experience of Division, within, which breeds insecurity, fear and suffering.

2. The explanation of the Freedom by K, as it is Pathless, must come on its own, must happen to oneself, and in relating the outcome of it by K, to the outside things, as how the Freedom effects to outside things, misleads one, in trying to understand the Division, which is factual, in one who does not have such a Division in his thinking, as K has.

For the same reason K experienced Division within, which was not a K's act on his part, that is Division within was not brought into himself by K himself, hence, the solution, the Freedom also was not the making of K. That is Division happens to K, it is Pathless as well. K really points out one cannot do anything for it. One cannot end the Division, as it is not made by himself. In the same way one cannot attain Freedom, by going for it. As the Division came in and it must go and there should be Freedom, when the Division goes away.

So what can one do? Just be Aware of the problem, without desire and expectation, and don't try to do anything, then with that attention, one will experience Freedom.

So Freedom comes on it's own?

No, if it has to come, then one must have the Division within. Without Division within, how can one come to the Wholeness, Freedom?

If one doesn't have the Division, Me and Not Me, therefore if one doesn't feel insecure, fearful and suffer, and if one is not afraid like most people, who don't feel thinking as an alien activity, not as 'Not Me', then if one is looking for this Freedom to come about, how can it come, without having the problem, the Division, within oneself, how can there be a solution?

Hence, if one has the Division, then he can have the Freedom, the Wholeness. If one does not have the Division, then there is no Freedom from the Division, from the Fragmentation.

One's problems may be one's own creation. One gets angry and it is an act of oneself, the anger does not comes to oneself, on its own. If the anger comes to oneself on its own, then one cannot act on it to be free from the anger, it should be Pathless, the freedom from the anger. But if the anger is a creation of oneself, then one can stop creating more anger and remove the ones already created. When one finds the path of his creation, then he will find the path, to be free from it.

When one has the Division, which seems to have come on its own, hence the freedom also has to come on its own, Pathless, and is this really pathless? Why one cannot make an attempt to solve this Division?  
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