Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Factual Understanding - Part 1.

It is clear now that one of the core teaching of Krishnamurti is that the idea, that when one becomes Aware of a thing, such as a neutral thing as well, A Tree, if it ends with that Awareness, no problem arises.

But if the Awareness leads to a Response from the mind, then that response is the 'Thought'. This Thought is based (conditioned) on past knowledge, hence it is a condition. This 'Thought' is 'Not Me' as well. This 'Not Me' only can be understood by people who have the same experience, that is they experience or look at the Thoughts as something alien to them. So those people factually understand K.

(Who do feel, that thinking about a tree as Response? Do you?).

The people who do not experience the thinking as 'Not Me' cannot factually understand K. But the people who understand K factually, never come out with, what they understand of K and 'Not Me', clearly.

But the situation is not so hopeless. There are definite outcomes of this Me as the 'observer', of oneself, and 'Not Me' as the Thought, the 'observed' (not the tree, but the thought is the observed), which is 'Not Me', not of oneself. What are the outcomes of this Division of Me and Not Me? it is insecurity, fear and sufferings.

When you think about a tree, if you don't feel  insecure, fearful and suffer, then you will never factually understand K, but you will be able to detect people of such a disposition. Hence, I detect some, who factually understand K, but they never cannot describe themselves of K, for us to understand.  Or are they reluctant to express themselves, for some reason?

Let us take an example of a factual understanding.

Krishnamurti: Let's forget childhood memories and all that nonsense, and come to the present. Here you are, and you say you are not frightened now; you're happy for the moment and can hardly imagine the fear you were in. Why have you no fear now? Is it the quiet, clear, well-proportioned room, furnished with good taste, and this sense of welcoming warmth which you feel? Is that why you are not frightened now?

Questioner: That's part of it. Also perhaps it is you. I heard you talk in witzerland, and I've heard you here, and I feel a kind of deep friendship for you. But I don't want to depend on nice houses, welcoming atmospheres and good friends in order not to be afraid. When I go to my parents I have this same feeling of warmth. But it is deadly at home; all families are deadly with their little enclosed activities, their quarrels, and the vulgarity of all that loud talk about nothing, and their hypocrisy. I'm fed up with it all. And yet, when I go to them and there is this certain warmth, I do feel, for a while, free of this fear. The psychiatrists can't tell me what my fear is about. They call it a "floating fear". It's a black, bottomless, ghastly pit. I've spent a great deal of money and time on being analysed and it really hasn't helped at all. So what am I to do?

Chapter - Fear.
Book      - The urgency of Change
End of Quote.

This Questioner factually understands K, but he cannot express himself clearly as K express himself. That may be due to the fact, that he did not look into his mind to understand the Division within, the fragmentation within.
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