Sunday, January 4, 2015

What Exactly The Problem Krishnamurti Had?

K's problem was insecurity, doubt, fear leading to sufferings. For that the solution is to find security, an environment which does not create fear, an environment which, does not make doubts in oneself within and without , but a surrounding having love and care. Krishnamurti was lucky to have all these in full. Then he had this insecurity, doubt, fear within, making him to suffer. But that great suffering he underwent, which is termed as The Process, which involved mental agony and physical pain, led to a situation of relief, for which, Krishnamurti could not understand how the relief came about, Hence he called as a Pathless. 
But we must understand, when one experiences great mental agony and great physical pains for many years, as in the case of Krishnamurti, more than ten years, naturally mind would find a solution, if one looks for a way out as in the case of K. This situation is similar to amnesia, and can a person who is in amnesia, recognize that it had happened to him?

Why was Krishnamurti, was looking for a solution to his problems of insecurity, doubt, fear ? there are many others in the population, once when they develop such a situation just like Krishnamurti, where his thinking becomes Fragmented, and when he finds that he cannot communicate with others due to this fact, where one would be laughed at, and ridiculed, if he tries to express himself, creating insecurity, doubt and fear. Then only thing, such a person would do is to withdraw himself from the society, without trying to find a solution. 
Since, Krishnamurti was selected to find a solution for human sufferings, which normally arise from the Greed, Anger, Lust, Ignorance, etc. for humans having a normal Whole mind, where their thinking is not fragmented. Hence, these suffering are different form that of Krishnamurti. Normal people don't have fear, doubt and insecurity when they think. Hence, they don't seek solutions for them. They would leave everything, including all the physical securities they have, in search of the spiritual attainments leading to free themselves from sufferings, and even go to live secluded in remote places, without any fear. 
But on the other hand, Krishnamurti never renounced the comfort, security, money, etc., because they were needed for him, and was very much concerned in furthering his Ego. But he emphasized to the contrary telling that he is Ego-less. This extension of His Ego as a World Teacher, he cunningly covered, exhibited in his legal action to possess the legal rights for books and other publications. 
But then Krishnamurti was guided in meditation, where those people who guided would have given the** idea of suffering**, and to find a solution for them. But Krishnamurti had accepted the idea of suffering, as he was a person who is really suffering within mentally, and without physically, as no other person would have undergone. This meditation instruction has lead to Krishnamurti to look inside, to his mind. What he has found is a fragmented mind, which he clearly observed. He clearly identified the outcomes of his fragmented mind as well. The outcomes being the doubt, fear and insecurity leading to sufferings. 
Then Krishnamurti, after suffering for so long, and could not do any of the meditation, which was taught to him, due to the fact that the mind is Fragmented, and any attempt to do so, do anything, or even just to 'think' about the meditation, would further the fragmentation, but he was wishing to end the thinking, which was causing the fragmentation and suffering, and the mind accepts his suggestions and one final day, that is, 10 days after his brother Nithya's death, he finds the solution of 'Thoughtless' , which would have been the 'Amnesia', provided by the mind for the great pain he underwent throughout, plus the sufferings after the ten days from the death of Nithya. 
Hence, Krishnamurti's solution is only for him, not for the masses who don't have the same suffering as of Krishnamurti. But there may be a few individuals, who have a fragmented mind or who may have developed the same later in their life. If they read and listen K, and start to look within, to find out how doubt, fear , insecurity comes about in themselves, that itself would be a much relief. 
But if they suggest to themselves actively, to have a Thoughtless state, that it can come about, and that is the Path to the solution, for the problem of suffering, though Krishnamurti was suggesting the same for himself, unconsciously all those years of sufferings, which he did not know, hence he considered it to be pathless. 

But all other people who suffer, not due to a fragmented mind, but due to Hate, greed, Ego, lust and Ignorance, there is only one path, as put forwarded by Lord Buddha, and explained by His Four Noble Truths.

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