In understanding K there are three levels.
Level One-Superficial level.
understands what K speaks about with his logic, using his experience of
things, where those experiences are not similar to K, But he imagines
Level Two - Factual level.
When K speaks about his
non-attainment levels of Experience, where he talks about the Factual
level of Division (Division-Thinker and Thought) of his experiences, which cause insecurity,
fear, sufferings, etc., which may not be the experience of everyone, but
if one has the same experience, and looking for a description and an
explanation of such an experience, it would 'Click' to that person, 'Yes
this is true. This is what I have been looking for'.
Level Three - Attainment level.
when K speaks about the 'Solution', which does not have a Path, and
which has to come about in its own, and If this has happened to that
person not in total, but at least for a certain parts of his problems, He
will understand K in full.
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